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IAUE Inaugrates Sports Committee, Urges Body to Market Students

Tuesday 27 June 2017
The Vice-Chancellor of Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Professor Ozo-Mekuri Ndimele has inaugurated the university sports committee with a charge on the body to organize sporting activities that would serve as a platform to market sports men and women in the university.

IAUE Inaugrates Sports Committee, Urges Body to Market Students
He tasked the committee to make sports an enterprise by making it attractive to the students and corporate sponsors, while noting that sports has become full time business all over the world.

The Vice-Chancellor cautioned the committee not to embark on all sports, but to concentrate on football that the university has strength, and could win laurels.

He also tasked the committee to ensure that the university does not just participate in the next Nigerian Universities Games, but should win trophies.

He urged the body to take the assignment seriously to justify their appointment, to regularly consult with the university administration, while assuring them total support.

Responding, Chairman of the committee, Professor Samuel Otamiri who thanked the Vice-Chancellor for the opportunity to serve the university on the committee, assured that the body would prove that their appointment was not an error.

Lamenting the falling standard as well as poor attention to sports by successive administrations in the school, Professor Otamiri noted that sports would be given a wholistic approach to revive it.

Hinting that the committee would submit a road plan for sports to the Vice-Chancellor, he also solicited for a take off grant to fast track its responsibilities.

Other members of the committee include: the coordinator of sports Mr Ernest Yellowe; the university coach Mr David Egbiri; Mr Sam Amaewhule; Mr Samson Wagbara and Dr Jonathan Udechukwu.

Others include Engr. Joseph Amaechi, Mr Tunde Uchegbuo, while Mr Banson Jaja will serve as secretary.

Meanwhile, the Dean of Students Affairs Dr Ugochukwu Agi, Dr Destiny Osuchukwu of the a medical services unit and Dr G. kalio are co- opted members.

AcademicsNG Team.

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